Someone Besides My Mother Has Read My Book!

My Book's Cover

When I saw the email from my editor with the art for my book’s cover attached, the scary music started.  My heart beat faster and I covered my eyes.  Knowing that I was about to meet my book’s cover was like coming face-to-face with Bachelor Number 1, or waiting to see what prize I’d chosen behind Door Number 2.  As in freshman roommates and first marriages, I could be in for serious misery that would not go away anytime soon.    

I clicked on download.

Wow.  Pink.  A fuzzy manor house conveys an imaginaary world.  Okay.  The neck-down girl seems familiar.  I like the scuffed black shoe and the old book.  The cloth she’s sitting on reminds me of fabric my grandmother bought in Iran and made into curtains.  Where did they ever find a coat with roses?  What an odd piece of clothing.  Roses, hmm.

It took me days to catch on.

It wasn’t until proofing the copyedited corrections that I ran smack dab into the roses and realized that someone besides my mother has read my book.  I wrote those roses into existence.  Here is the first mention of roses:     

“I’d snuggled into my mother’s side, tracing the roses on the floral chintz loveseat, wondering how there could be so much purple and blue in the pink petals. When she read, my mother’s voice mixed the lush sofa roses with the soft reading light and the romance of storybook heroines.  All for me.”    

The cover designer read my book!  And got that Lily associates the sofa roses with the world of her imagination–or living in a novel.  When she wonders about so much purple and blue in pink roses, she’s really wondering about:  the richness and complexity of a beautiful life, the pain and suffering in love.  The roses make another appearance later in the novel, but you’ll have to read the book (like my mother and my cover designer) to see what happens.   

(Those are roses, right?)

 Extra stuff:

  • I have cards (business size) with the cover printed on one side and the book’s information on the other.  I will send you one (with extras for your reading friends) if you email me at: and tell me where to send them.  
  • If you would like to read my perspective on the cover’s design process, (posted on Austen Authors), click here.
  • If you would like to read my essay about being pregnant with a book, (posted on Girlfriends Book Club), click here.  
  • If you are growing weary of my precious book cover, come back next week.  We have a puppy.


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23 responses to “Someone Besides My Mother Has Read My Book!

  1. Susan

    I love the cover. It is lovely. I first noticed the girl, then my eyes traveled up to the mansion, and last, but definitely, not least, I saw your name! How exciting for you and for those of us who know you. The design is a beautiful representation of an English summer, certainly not Texas!
    I am looking forward to hearing about the puppy….

  2. Debby

    The cover is great! Something my linear brain would never have come up with. It is perfect–for all the reasons you have noted and then some. I really like it. I want to be her. Quiet. Reading a rich tapestry of a story.

    I’ve been handing out your book card to lots of readers–even a former high school English teacher I met in a waiting room at M.D. Anderson yesterday. And I’ve been telling people that you will Skype book clubs. I hope that’s okay!!

    In the meantime, send more cards.

  3. What a beautifully unique cover! I like it. What a process. I remember when Kathleen Kent got her first cover. How interesting for you and how wonderful at the same time!! Huge congratulations. I am going to read your book.

  4. Jessie

    I’ve loved coming across relics from that Iran trip.

  5. It looks fabulous! I would love to read it. How exciting!

  6. jane Odiwe

    I loved your tantalizing little snippet – ‘I’d snuggled into my mother’s side, tracing the roses on the floral chintz loveseat,…’ – beautiful! You’ve got me hooked already. Wishing you the very best success!


  7. Kebby

    How exciting! Can’t wait to read your book. It is on my amazon/kindle wishlist. Will it be available as a kindle book I hope?

  8. It looks great and I also love the ‘snippet’ you included by way of explanation. Makes me want to read the whole book 🙂

  9. Peggy Richardson

    Cindy: I have a book and movie agent with me right now, an old friend, Chi-Li Wong from AEI. I could not remember your publisher. If you pick this up soon, can you let me know?

    Otherwise, Chi-Li might contact you by e-mail. We love your cover and I loved the exerpt.

    Love, Aunt Peggy

  10. Sarah

    you have a puppy?

  11. Cheryl Woodul

    I want to read your book! When will it be available?

  12. Pingback: A Weekend In Jane Austen Heaven | Austen Authors

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